These pretty flowers are members of the dogbane family, which produce cardiac glycosides. The seedpod is oblong and flat and roughly 2 inches long and containing 3-5 seeds. Now is the time of year that we are thinking about planting in the garden, or brightening up the ...There are cats waiting to come into branch care. But plants can also kill. Plants poisonous to cats ... Trumpet Vine - all parts, especially seeds) Angel's Wings (also called Elephant Ears - leaves, stems, roots) Antherium (also called Flamingo Lily, Painter's Palette - leaves, stems, roots) Apple (seeds) ... Rosary Pea (also called Crab's Eye, Jequirity Bean, Precatory Bean - beans) Rosemary (foliage) Aconite (also called Monkshood, Wolfsbane - leaves, flowers, roots)American Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark)Amsinckia (also called Tarweed - all above ground, especially seeds)Angel's Trumpet (also called Chalice Vine, Datura, Trumpet Vine - all parts, especially seeds)Angel's Wings (also called Elephant Ears - leaves, stems, roots)Antherium (also called Flamingo Lily, Painter's Palette - leaves, stems, roots)Apple of Peru (also called Thornapple, Flowering Tolguacha - all parts, especially seeds)Arrowhead Vine (also called Nepthytis, Tri-Leaf Wonder - leaves, stems, roots)Baneberry (also called Doll's Eyes - foliage, red/white berries, roots)Bitter Nightshade (also called Climbing Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet - all parts, especially berries)Bittersweet (also called Bitter Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade, European Bittersweet - all parts, especially berries)Black Locust (leaves, shoots, pods, seeds, inner bark)Black Nightshade (also called Common Nightshade, Nightshade - unripe berries)Blue Flag (also called Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Iris - bulbs)Bluebonnet (also called Lupine, Quaker Bonnets - all parts)Brackenfern; Braken Fern (also called Brake Fern - all parts)Brake Fern (also called Brakenfern, Braken Fern - all parts)Buckeye (also called Ohio Buckey, Horse Chestnut - buds, nuts, leaves, bark, seedlings, honey)Bulbs (all species in the families Amarylliaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae - bulbs)Bull Nettle (also called Carolina Nettle, Horse Nettle - all parts)Buttercups (also called Crowfoot (new leaves, stems)Candelabra Cactus (also called False Cactus - leaves, stem, milky sap)Carolina Horsenettle (also called Bull Nettle, Horse Nettle - all parts)Carolina Jessamine (also called Yellow Jessamine, Yellow Jasmine - all parts)Castor Oil Plant (also called Castor Bean - all parts, especially seeds)Castor Bean (also called Castor Oil Plant - all parts, especially seeds)Ceriman (also called Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese (leaves, stems, roots)Chalice Vine (also called Angel's Trumpet, Trumpet Vine - all parts)Cherry (also called Bitter Cherry, Choke Cherry, Pin Cherry, Wild Black Cherry - all parts)Chinese Inkberry (also called Jessamine - fruit, sap)Christmas Flower (also called Christmas Plant, Easter Flower, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap)Christmas Plant (also called Christmas Flower, Easter Flower, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap)Chrysanthemum (also called Feverfew, Mum - all parts)Climbing Nightshade (also called Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet, European Bittersweet - all parts)Clover (also called Alsike Clover, Red Clover, White Clover - foliage)Common Nightshade (also called Black Nightshade, Nightshade - unripe berries)Corn Lily (also called False Hellebore, Western False Hellebore - all parts)Corn Plant (also called Cornstalk Plant - all parts)Cornstalk Plant (also called Corn Plant - all parts)Crab's Eye (also called Jequirity Bean, Precatory Bean, Rosary Pea - beans)Crowfoot (also called Buttercup - new leaves, stems)Cuckoo Pint (also called Lords and Ladies - all parts)Cutleaf Philodendron (also called Ceriman, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots)Daffodil (also called Jonquil, Narcissus - all parts)Deadly Nightshade (also called Belladonna, Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade - foliage, unripe fruit, sprouts)Destroying Angel Mushroom (also called Amanita - all parts)Devil's Backbone (also called Kalanchoe - leaves, stems)Devil's Ivy (also called Golden Pothos, Pothos - all parts)Doll's Eyes (also called Baneberry - foliage, red/white berries, roots)Dumbcane (also called Aroids - leaves, stems, roots)Dutchman's Breeches (also called Staggerweed - leaves, stems, roots)Dwarf Larkspur (also called Larkspur, Poisonweed - all parts)Easter Flower (also called Christmas Flower, Christmas Plant, Poinsettia - leaves, stem, milky sap)Elephant Ears (also called Angel's Wings - leaves, stems, roots)Emerald Duke (also called Majesty, Philodendron, Red Princess - all parts)Emerald Feather (also called Emerald Fern - all parts)Emerald Fern (also called Emerald Feather - all parts)English Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark)European Bittersweet (also called Bitter Nightshade, Bittersweet, Climbing Nightshade - all parts)False Cactus (also called Candelabra Cactus - leaves, stem, milky sap)False Hellbore (also called Corn Lily, Western False Hellebore - all parts)Feverfew (also called Chrysanthemum, Mum - leaves, stalks)Fiddleneck (also called Tarweed - all parts above ground)Flag (also called Blue Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Iris - bulbs)Fleur-de-lis (also called Blue Flag, Flag, Iris - bulbs)Foxtail Barley (also called Squirreltail Barley, Wild Barley - seedheads)Fruit Salad Plant (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots)Ghost Weed (also called Snow on the Mountain - leaves, stem, milky sap)Giant Dumbcane (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts)Golden Chain (also called Laburnum - flowers, seeds)Golden Pothos (also called Devil's Ivy, Pothos - all parts)Green Dragon (also called Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip - leaves, stems, roots)Green False Hellebore (also called Indian Poke, White Hellebore - all parts)Groundsel (also called Ragwort, Tansy Ragwort - all parts above ground)Hahn's Self-branching English Ivy (leaves, berries)Heartleaf (also called Parlor Ivy, Philodendron - all parts)Heartland Philodendron (also called Philodendron - all parts)Horse Nettle (also called Bull Nettle, Carolina Horsenettle - all parts)Horse Chestnut (also called Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye - buds, nuts, leaves, bark, seedlings, honey)Indian Poke (also called Green False Hellebore, White Hellebore - all parts)Indian Turnip (also called Green Dragon, Jack-in-the-Pulpit - leaves, stems, roots)Iris (also called Blue Flag, Flag, Fleur-de-lis - bulbs)Jack-in-the-Pulpit (also called Green Dragon, Indian Turnip - leaves, stems, roots)Jamestown Weed (also called Jimsonweed - all parts)Japanese Yew (also called Yew - needles, seeds, bark)Jequirity Bean (also called Crab's Eye, Precatory Bean, Rosary Pea - beans)Jessamine (also called Chinese Inkberry - fruit, sap)Jimson Weed (also called Jamestown Weed - all parts)Jonquil (also called Daffodil, Narcissus - all parts)Kalanchoe (also called Devil's Backbone - leaves, stems)Klamath Weed (also called St. Johnswort - all parts)Laburnum (also called Golden Chain - flowers, seeds)Lantana (also called Lantana Camara, Red Sage, West Indian Lantana, Yellow Sage - foliage, flowers, berries)Lantana Camara (also called Red Sage, Yellow Sage - foliage, flowers, berries)Lords and Ladies (also called Cuckoo Pint - all parts)Lupine (also called Bluebonnet, Quaker Bonnets - all parts)Majesty (also called Emerald Duke, Philodendron, Red Princess - all parts)Mandrake (also called Mayapple - all but ripe fruit)Marigold (also called Marsh Marigold - new leaves, stems)Marsh Marigold (also called Marigold - new leaves, stems)Mauna Loa Peace Lily (also called Peace Lily - all parts)Mayapple (also called Mandrake - all but ripe fruit)Mescal Bean (also called Texas Mountain Laurel - all parts)Mexican Breadfruit (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Split-leaf Philodendron, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots)Mexican Poppy (also called Prickly Poppy - all parts)Milk Bush (also called Euphorbia, Tinsel Tree - all parts)Monkshood (also called Aconite, Wolfsbane - leaves, flowers, roots)Mother-in-Law Tongue (also calledSnake Plant - foliage)Mountain Laurel (also called Lambkill, Sheep Laurel - all parts)Mushrooms (also called Amanita, Death Cap, Destroying Angel, Fly Agaric, Panther Cap, Spring Amanita - all parts)Nap-at-Noon (also called Snowdrop, Star of Bethlehem - all parts)Nephthytis (also called Arrowhead Vine, Tri-Leaf Wonder - leaves, stems, roots)Nightshade (also called Black Nightshade, Common Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade - berries)Panther Cap Mushroom (also called Amanita - all parts)Parlor Ivy (also called Heartleaf, Philodendron- all parts)Peace Lily (also called Mauna Loa Peace Lily - all parts)Philodendron (also called Heartland Philodendron - leaves, stems, roots)Pie Plant (also called Rhubarb - leaves, uncooked stems)Poinsettia (also called Christmas Flower, Christmas Plant, Easter Flower - leaves, stem, milky sap)Poison Weed (also called Dwarf Lakspur, Larkspur, Delphinium - all parts)Pothos (also called Devil's Ivy, Golden Pothos - all parts)Precatory Bean (also called Crab's Eye, Jequirity Bean, Rosary Pea - beans)Prickly Poppy (also called Mexican Poppy - all parts)Privet (also called Common Privet - foliage, berries)Quaker Bonnets (also called Lupine, Blue Bonnet - all parts)Ragwort (also called Groundsel, Tansy Ragwort - all parts above ground)Red Margined Dracaena (also called Straight Margined Dracaena - all parts)Red Princess (also called Emerald Duke, Majesty, Philodendron - all parts)Rhubarb (also called Pie Plant - leaves, uncooked stems)Richweed (also called White Snakeroot, White Sanicle - leaves, flowers, stems, roots)Rosary Pea (also called Crab's Eye, Jequirity Bean, Precatory Bean - beans)Silver Queen (also called Chinese Evergreen - leaves, stems, roots)Snake Plant (also called Mother-in-law's Tongue - all parts)Snow on the Mountain (also called Ghost Weed - leaves, stem, milky sap)Snowdrop (also called Nap-at-Noon, Star of Bethlehem - all parts)Spathiphyllum (also called Peace Lily - leaves, stems, flowers, bulbs)Split-leaf Philodendron (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Swiss Cheese Plant - leaves, stems, roots)Spotted Cowbane (also called Water Hemlock, Spotted Water Hemlock - all parts)Spotted Dumb Cane (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts)Spotted Water Hemlock (also called Spotted Cowbane, Water Hemlock - all parts)Spurges (also called Euphorbia, Milk Bush, Tinsel Tree - all parts)Squirreltail Barley (also called Foxtail Barley, Wild Barley - seedheads)St. Johnswort (also called Klamath Weed - all parts)Staggerweed (also called Bleeding Heart, Dutchman's Breeches - leaves, stems, rootsStar of Bethlehem (also called Snowdrop, Nap-at-Noon - all parts)Stinging Nettle (also called Wood Nettle - leaves, stems)Straight Margined Dracaena (also called Red Margined Dracaena - all parts)Swiss Cheese Plant (also called Ceriman, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, Split-leaf Philodendron - leaves, stems, roots)Tansy Ragwort (also called Grounsel, Ragwort - all parts above ground)Tarweed (also called Amsinckia - all parts above ground)Texas Mountain Laurel (also called Mescal Bean - all parts)Thornapple (also called Apple of Peru, Flowering Tolguacha - all parts)Tinsel Tree (also called Euphorbia, Milk Bush - all parts)Tolguacha - flowering (also called Apple of Peru, Thornapple - all parts)Tri-Leaf Wonder (also called Arrowhead Vine, Nepthytis - leaves, stems, roots)Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia (also called Dieffenbachia - all parts)Trumpet Vine (also called Angel's Trumpet, Chalice Vine - all parts)Water Hemlock (also called Spotted Cowbane, Spotted Water Hemlock - all parts)White Hellebore (also called Green False Hellebore, Indian Poke - all parts)White Sanicle (also called White Snakeroot, Richweed - leaves, flowers, stems, roots)White Snakeroot (also called White Sanicle, Richweed - leaves, flowers, stems, roots)Wild Barley (also called Foxtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley - seedheads)Wisteria (also called Chinese Wisteria, Japanese Wisteria - seeds, pods)Wolfsbane (also called Aconite, Monkshood - leaves, flowers, roots)Yellow Jasmine (also called Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine - all parts)Yellow Oleander (also called Yellow Be-Still Tree - all parts)
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